Part of the Bruce Bernhart Websites

Original articles, lessons, tabs plus the "best of the web" on topics of interest to mandolin enthusiasts by player/teacher Bruce Bernhart
Updated January 8, 2021
The Bruce Bernhart Mandolin Webpages offer basic instruction, explore the history of the mandolin, buying and building mandolins, basic chord structures, the different styles of playing, the various makes and models of mandolins available on the market, and the best of the web for mandolin students.
You'll hear bluegrass musicians use terminology like 1-2-4-5-1. Ever wonder what that means? The number sequence represents notes in the scale you are playing. What is the "2" chord? It would be the second note in the major scale of the key you are playing. So, if you are in the key of A, the 2 chord would be a B. Countless bluegrass songs, including many gospel songs, have a 2 chord.
Some tunes have a "7" chord. What is the 7 chord in the key of A? It would be a G. because G is the 7th note in the A major scale. "Little Maggie" has a 7 chord. You can hear it right at the beginning of the song.
Practice playing the different chord groups that we reviewed. These include most of the numbered chords you will encounter playing bluegrass tunes. Now, you can play these songs in any key because once you know what the 1 chord is, you'll know what the other numbered chords are in relation to the major key.
Bluesy tunes often fall into the 1-4-1-5-1 pattern. "Bluegrass Stomp" by Bill Monroe is a good example.
Here's a terrific chart I found on on how to construct 3-note chords:
First you have to KNOW the basic 3 notes chords built from a C major scale. Why a C major scale? Because the key of C major has no sharps or flats, and the chords built from that scale will contain only natural notes.
C D E F G A B - C major scale
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C Dm Em F G Am Bdim - Chord Name
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G A B C D E F \
E F G A B C D - Notes in each chord
C D E F G A B /
You are going to use these 7 chords as your starting point to spell every 3 note chord. So no matter what type of chord you have, if it has a root of C, C or C
you are going to use a C major chord as your starting point. For every chord with a root of D, D
, or D
, you are going to use a Dm chord as your starting point.
So armed with the knowledge of how to spell a C major chord, and the knowledge of the chord formulas for all of the other 3 note chords, you will be able to spell every type of C, C or C
Definitions: Phrasing
Polychords are chords constructed from two or more separate chords. Composers and improvisers use polychords as a resource for rich and complex sounds in their music. Polychords frequently occur in jazz and modern classical music.
Be sure to visit the other Bruce Bernhart Mandolin Websites:
Bruce Bernhart mandolin rock tabs
Bruce Bernhart mandolin lesson on scales, meter, using a metronome
Bruce Bernhart mandolin purchase tips
Bruce Bernhart mandolin orchestras, tuning
Bruce Bernhart on mandolin family history
Bruce Bernhart on string and saddle adjustment
Bruce Bernhart beginning mandolin lessons one and two
Bruce Bernhart on the mandolin family tree
Bruce Bernhart on temperature considerations
Bruce Bernhart lessson on mandolin flats and sharps
Bruce Bernhart lesson on chromatic scales, circle of 5ths and meter
Bruce Bernhart on mandolin chord theory
Bruce Bernhart mandolin C and G major chord diagrams
Bruce Bernhart on emergence of the modern mandolin
Bruce Bernhart on two finger mandolin chords
Bruce Bernhart on whole and half steps on the mandolin
Bruce Bernhart perpetual motion practice excercises
Bruce Bernhart on playing waltzes on the mandolin
Bruce Bernhart on majors, minors and sevenths
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The care and feeding of your RV battery
The sport of "geocaching" and RV refrigeration basics
The basics of RV power inversion
Advanced discussion on power inversion
Tips on buying a house battery and cold weather maintenance
Buying the right generator for your RV and portable power
RV television reception options
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